Since last august we decided to put an ice tub in the patio of Nine! Yes, we are enough crazy to jump regularly every week in the water!
”What a cool guy”
Our Host and Yoga Teacher Felix, between Yoga sessions offer also a nice painful dive in to frozen water, through a preparatory system of breathing and warming up, preparing the mind, the body and the spirit, let's face it, for the absolute shock.
The process comes safely, as you see the assistant Lara also monitors the situation on all fours.
But so, why do it?
In addition to being able to brag about resisting the cold, being friends with the Ice Man (Wim Hofman), and using it as a pick up line with strangers, there are several benefits from this practice, especially if regularly done, here are some examples:
Decrease muscle Sourness and speed up recovery
Ice baths help decrease swelling and muscle soreness after intense physical activity by constricting blood vessels and reducing inflammation, really helpful after an intense sports session, indeed athletes use ice baths to recover faster after workouts, as cold exposure helps flush out metabolic waste and restore nutrients to muscles.
Boosts Circulation
Alternating between cold and warm exposure stimulates blood flow, promoting better circulation and overall cardiovascular health.
Improves Mood and Focus
Cold exposure can trigger the release of endorphins and adrenaline, boosting mood and energy. It happens after a good session to feel very focused, we recommend it well before a meeting or a job that requires high productivity or creativity!
Better Sleep
Ice baths can calm the nervous system and lower stress, which may improve sleep quality.
how cold it must be
The optimal ice bath temperature is below 15 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit). This is the temperature at which cold water is considered therapeutic and begins to offer mental and physical benefits, but some ice bath enthusiasts prefer even colder temps, this mean for sure lower than 10 Degrees Celsius.
A good soaking time can range from 3 up to 10 minutes. Keep in mind that the temeprature of the water affects how long to stay!
At Nine we like it icy! in fact the average time to stay in this icy water is about 3 to 5 minutes maximum.
Cold Shock Response:
When first entering cold water, many people experience a cold shock response, which can include hyperventilation and a rapid increase in heart rate and body shaking reaction. Felix will guide you through respiration and deep state of mind to control this.
It is very common to experience pain, such as tingling or shaking in different parts of the body, for some the legs, for others the arms or hands. This sensation tends to disappear after the first minute immersed in water.
For beginners, it's important to start with shorter, less intense sessions and gradually work your way up to longer ice baths as your body becomes more accustomed to the cold.
Individuals suffering of cardiovascular issues, blood pressure problems, or other pre-existing health conditions, mighshould consult a healthcare provider before starting ice baths. The cold can put a sudden strain on the heart and circulatory system.
Wim Hof Methods
We mentioned before the ICEMAN, Wim Hof, founder of Wim Hof Method (WHM). Wim is a Dutch extreme athlete, famous for hiking in extreme conditions just with a pair of short pants and boots.
His methods combines controlled breathing exercises, cold exposure, and meditation to boost physical and mental health. Known as "The Iceman" for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures, Hof developed his method after discovering the benefits of cold immersion through his personal experiences with grief and loss of his beloved Wife.
Hof claims the method can improve health by boosting the immune system, increasing energy, reducing stress, and even enhancing athletic performance. Hof himself has broken numerous world records, including running a half-marathon barefoot on ice and climbing Mount Everest in shorts! inspiring millions including us!
The method consists of three pillars:
Breathing Techniques: Deep, rhythmic breathing followed by breath-holding phases, which increases oxygen levels, energizes the body, and improves focus.
Cold Exposure: Gradual exposure to cold, such as ice baths or cold showers, helps strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and enhance mental resilience.
Meditation: Mental focus is key to staying calm during cold exposure, enhancing the body-mind connection.
Diving At Nine
Diving into icy waters stimulates the body and mind to better resilience and discipline, in fact, an important role in completing this activity, is predominantly a mental preparation and discipline, overcome the body and fears, control breathing and calm the heartbeat.
“Anyone who wants to feel alive, this might be for you”
We interviewed him with some cold questions :
Why did you start to take Ice Baths?
The Spiritual Awakening and Ice Bathing, the powerful ritual to overcome the fear and anxiety
”Three years ago, I was this privileged young man, working in the film industry, wanting to become the next big Film Producer. But there was another aspect, that which longed for bringing an end to suffering and disconnect that I already felt but that became so extremely obvious to me when this Covid thing rolled out.
Suddenly everyone around me seemed completely out of their mind, in all this fear and hysteria as if the world was to end. I saw people completely disconnected from themselves, from others and the world around them and I needed to leave and bring my little confused self some clarity.
I decided to go to Mexico, into the Forests of Quintana Roo where I soon met Tribesman and Woman who at that time seemed much more sane to me than anyone else. They would live as much as possible in harmony with Nature and cared for one another on a very deep level. It was not long until I was invited to an Ayahuasca ceremony. I had heard of it before and also that it can be very intense, but my curiosity and naivity could not let me resist to agree on drinking the brew. I would never have thought a human being could suffer like this. This was not pain, this was not, dread, this was existential hell, and in this moment I was convinced to be stuck in this state of mind for eternity. I could not surrender, I did not know how, and I was in torment for more than 8 hours. But, I realised to the core that I am not this Human Form, that I have a body, that I have a mind, but this is not me. You could call this a first spiritual awakening.
Me then realising spirit, knowing that this information needs to go out into the world, to wake up the others from their sleep.
Ok, Felix a little too much on drugs? Maybe, Yes and No at the same time.
Definitely what happened that night showed me how much darkness, how much fear, and how much probably trauma was stuck in my system to create such intense distress. In the following weeks I seemed paralysed in existential fear, I could not eat, not sleep, not talk. But what happened was that I knew I had to get free of my mind and I knew there are processes to do just that. I found people who guided me, I found Breathwork and Icebath as an emergency Break from my mind and I found my Guru who would promise me to guide me through to liberation, meaning mastery over ones own mind.
The Ice-Baths became a powerful ritual to overcome the fear and anxiety that was so deeply stuck in every cell of my body. It brought back my aliveness and clarity.”
How does Yoga and Ice Bathing come together?
”On the Yogic Path, the whole effort is to bring absolute balance to the body and the mind, in this state everything becomes effortless, the body feels healthy and vibrant, simply walking down the street is an act of immense joy, at the same time the mind is razor sharp, able to do all kinds of difficult tasks without a feeling of overwhelm or exhaustion. Have you seen these people, who seem like they are super human? Maybe you think of Elon Musk, running and managing multiple enterprises at the same time, not even from the top down, he is involved in every aspect of the process, he knows every screw in his rocket. Yet he is taking on new projects all the time. How is one capable of this while some might struggle with just making a basic living. This all comes down to how the system is handled, how energies are balanced and how attached one is to certain outcomes and fears. There are many many processes in all spiritual traditions that work towards just this, the breaking of limitations. This science was brought to perfection in India, cold water was always known to the yogis and monks who would practice in the Himalayas. Now in the west, Wim Hof who had his own mental crisis after his wife committed suicide, was in deep need of a tool to cope with his depression. He re-discovered the immense effect of cold water on the body and his mission became to inspire people to follow his findings. Hence “Ice Bath” was Born. It is very much integrated in the yogic practice as in Yoga literally anything physical and non physical is used for ones inner growth.”
Why Are you hosting Ice Baths?
”It is a question like, “why do you eat when you are hungry”.
Teneriffe is hot! Sometimes we just need to cool down a little.
And above that, over time the mind fills up with garbage.
While at the same time we want to be blissed out. You can only have one or the other so you do something about it.
We want to experience a mind free of garbage isn’t it?
(Says Felix, who literally fills a Garbage can with Water and Ice every week)”.
What are the Benefits?
”Okay here is the Book answer: Immersion in Ice can have the following benefits:
Reduction in Muscle Soreness: Increased recovery time.
Improved Physical Health. Elevated energy levels, lower inflammation and improved sleep.
Boosted Immune System. Allows a more robust immune system to be more resistant to illness.
Greater Willpower and self-control. Ability to control the body’s response to stress – a priceless result!
Wim Hof’s claims are backed by science: Numerous studies have confirmed the positive effects of
Plunging in cold water on a regular basis not only improves the mind-body connections but helps to:
Boost Metabolism: Meaning your body burns more calories, even at rest.
Promotes Skin Health: Cold water tightens pores improving appearance.
Improve Mental Clarity: Activate the sympathetic nervous system.
Willpower: Build mental toughness with today’s challenging situations.
Sleep Quality: Regulate body temperature promoting deeper sleep
Sense of Euphoria: Release those neurotransmitters and endorphins.
Reduce Depression: Help regulate serotonin and dopamine.
Improve GI: Improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity.”
In yoga we would simply say, we put the life energy back into you, you will feel alive! Any other wish?
The above list are some indicators that the process of filling you up was successful.
How often should Ice Bathing be practiced and for how long should one stay in the Ice?
”An Ice bath can be done at any time, anywhere, as much as you like - as long as it makes you feel good. You will know when you had enough.
Once a week is a great start, when you feel you want more, add in to taking cold showers in the mornings and evenings. If you still want more, please nobody will hold you back. In terms of length, it is great to start with 3 - 5 Minutes. It will take about 2 Minutes until the body has properly adjusted to the cold and starts to receive the benefits, so then you also want to stay a little to soak up the stillness of the ice. Time can be trained, anyone with a healthy body can probably train up to 10 minutes without much complications. But again, if you start feeling unwell, extremely shaky or panicky, take a break, warm up, and try again later. It is a practice not a goal in itself. If you are very determined you can definitely go beyond 10 minutes. The current record lies at around 3 hours, so you do as you please.”
What does Ice Bathing means to you personally?
”Going into the ice to me means I committed myself to well-being, I challenge my system and I enjoy a blissful afternoon. Beyond that it served me extremely well through the most difficult time of my life. Anyone who wants to feel alive, this might be for you.”